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Making the Difference

Experiential Workshop - 4 consecutive Wednesdays

Wednesday 8th March 2017 - Wednesday 29th March 2017

Woburn House Conference Centre, London


Info & Fees
Web Sites


This is an experiential workshop for managers, executives, consultants and professionals from all sectors and industries.

It takes place on the same day each week for four consecutive weeks, offering participants the opportunity to gain an understanding of group dynamics in operation ‘beneath the surface’ of all teams and organisations.

During the event, participants study their own behaviour as a group, as it happens, so that they can begin to recognise their own and others’ roles in the dynamics that play out.

This process helps participants to become aware of the powerful and subtle emotions, pressures and needs arising within groups, and the ways in which these often conflict with their own and others' needs as individuals.

The idea of the event is that, by gaining a deeper understanding and awareness of group dynamics, participants will be able to manage themselves better as leaders and also identify any unhelpful undercurrents within their own teams that need to be surfaced and dealt with.

The focus throughout is on learning from experience – the hardest but the most valuable form of learning – from the dynamics of the group as a whole, which members can then take back and apply in the workplace.

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Day 1: SSG, RAG, PD
Day 2: LSG, RAG, PD
Day 3: IGE, RAG, PD
Day 4: SSG, LSG, RAG, PD

Small Study Group (SSG) (Days 1 & 4)
These provide opportunities to learn about interpersonal relationships in small face-to-face groups. The group's task is to study its behaviour as a group in the ‘here and now’.

Large Study Group (LSG) (Days 2 & 4)
These provide opportunities to learn about interpersonal relations as they happen in a setting where the number of members is larger than can form a face-to-face group. The group’s task is still to study its behaviour in the ‘here and now’ but with the extra dynamic of sub-groups, into which individuals may be recruited to express allegiance to their small study group or another extemporised expression of belonging.

Inter-Group Event (ISG) (Day 3)
This is to help participants study relationships between groups as they develop.

Review & Application Groups (RAG) (All days)
These are to consider the relevance of participant’s experiences and learning to their normal work situations.

Plenary Discussion (PD) (All days)
These provide opportunities for participants to make further sense of their experience in discussion with the consultants - making use, where necessary, of theoretical concepts to assist the learning process.

Readings (All days)
At the end of each day, participants will be given a selection of papers relevant to the day’s task to help them make further sense of their experience.


Evelyn Cleavely  

Staff member
Dr Susan Kahn   

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Info and Fees

8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th March 2017

Woburn House Conference Centre
20 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HQ

Places: £400 (including lunch and refreshments)

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Web Sites

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